Better Health
Good Health Starts Here
As a board-certified general surgeon in Charles County with a focus on breast health, I look
Peripheral artery disease (PAD) — also known as peripheral arterial disease — is a disease
Last month, UM Charles Regional Medical Center was named one of the best maternity care
The topic of breastfeeding is less taboo than ever, yet some misconceptions about it still
High blood pressure continues to affect a massive portion of the population around the country.
Everyone knows to go to the doctor when they’re sick, but preventive care is often the most
If you’ve ever had a cut or a burn, you know how painful it can be while your body works to
The need for physical therapy doesn’t subside in light of a global pandemic or our
139 million visits to the emergency department. That, according to the latest
After someone survives a stroke, a traumatic brain injury, a difficult surgery, or